Bachelor / Master0612, Information Processing (30 ECTS package available in autumn semester)
Type | Outgoing Erasmus+ study mobility (Europe), full-time |
Nominal duration | 1 semester (30 ECTS) |
Awards | Bachelor / Master |
Other requirements | A motivation letter must be added to your application. Specific requirements for Non-EU applicants: Additional immigration documents, e.g., the host country residence permit or visa might be required; consult the embassy or immigration office of the host country for more information. |
Prerequisites for applying for Erasmus+ scholarship and mobility:
Within the application, submit the following documents in English – your CV in any format, transcript of records for all completed semesters at RTU signed and stamped or digitally signed by a representative of Students Service Centre, and a motivation letter for participation in Erasmus+ mobility.
Applicants with submitted and approved applications will be invited to an English language knowledge test where the minimum passing score is 64 out of 100 points corresponding to CEFR level B1. Pay attention to the language knowledge requirements of the host university for incoming exchange students explained on the partner university website.
All communication will happen via the e-mail mentioned in your application form.
Note that this is RTU internal application for the Erasmus+ scholarship. Later the approved applicants will apply for the exchange studies at the host university. Visit the host university website to find out offered study subjects for incoming exchange students, application procedure, and application deadline.
Programme structure
This field of Information Processing has opened a totally new tailored package for incoming exchange students.
This 30 ECTS package will be offered always in the Autumn semester.
Course offer you can see here: Bachelor of Business Administration, Information Processing, Tornio, Autumn 2022 – Opetussuunnitelmat (