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Bachelor / Master / PhDBlended Intensive Programme "Material Modelling – Testing and Parameter Identification" (March - June 2024)


Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) is inviting students to take part in a Blended Intensive Program “Material Modelling – Testing and Parameter Identification”.

In this course students master to model various materials (Metals, Plastics, Wood and plywood, Ceramics, Glass, Concrete and gypsum, Fabrics, Bone, Composites) behaviour using contemporary computer tools, including coding in Python. Behaviour with viscoelasticity is included in the studies. During the intensive week students make tests and create the model that mimics the test behaviour. No preliminary knowledge in coding is required.

Students cover expenses related to travel, accommodation with support from the BIP (Erasmus+ grant). Students book their accommodation on their own. Organisers will suggest hosting in student hotel with discount for accepted participants.
Transportation, lunch and social program during the intensive week are provided by the host university (TUCN). Field trips expenses and transportation to field trips (during on-site week) is covered by organisers.
Evaluation – homework, technical report, final presentation

Who can apply: Bachelor students in engineering: e.g. mechanical, civil, plastics, materials, industrial engineering.

BIP includes both virtual and on-site component:
Online: 14 online lectures, 1 lecture/per week, each 90 min, 18/03/2024. – 28/06/2024.
On site in Cluj-Napoca: 01/07/2024 – 05/07/2024

Attending both online and face-to-face parts of the program, students will gain 5 ECTS. All students must recognize BIP later as free choice (C part) study course. Consult with your study program director or academic advisor to find out more.
By submitting applications students apply for taking part in the project and also for the Erasmus+ scholarship. The scholarship will be provided for the face-to-face activity days partially covering your expenses (food, transport expenses, etc.). Scholarship for 5 days face-to-face program will be 545 EUR in total or 109 EUR per day. If the traveling to the host university takes place at least one day prior to the start of the program and returns – the next day after the program, there will be travel compensation for these 2 days (up to 218 EUR) after submitting documents confirming traveling dates.

Submit an application at OutgoingExchange.rtu.lv, uploading the RTU Transcript of records for all completed semesters, as well as any proof of English language skills.
In case of questions regarding the scholarship, contact RTU International Mobility Unit via arturs.cernisevs@rtu.lv.

Please take into account these important rules:

  • Two Erasmus scholarship periods can’t overlap!
  • Students can participate in one BIP program only at the same time!
  • Do not apply for another BIP program if both periods overlap!
  • The full period of the BIP program means the full duration of the program – virtual learning + physical mobility!
  • Students can’t combine the semester mobility and participation in BIP within the same period of time!

All participants must make sure that their participation will not cause issues in the ongoing semester courses at RTU (please confirm this with your lecturers and academic advisors).

Apply now! Academic year Short Term 2024/25
This is a rolling intake - applications are accepted all year round.
Apply now! Academic year Short Term 2024/25
This is a rolling intake - applications are accepted all year round.